The framework under which detainees were imprisoned for years without charges at Guantanamo and in many cases abused in Afghanistan wasn't the product of American military policy or the fault of a few rogue soldiers.
It was largely the work of five White House, Pentagon and Justice Department lawyers who, following the orders of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, reinterpreted or tossed out the U.S. and international laws that govern the treatment of prisoners in wartime, according to former U.S. defense and Bush administration officials.
And so it went with the run up to Iraq. PNAC was a small group, made up of a handful of neocons like Richard Perle, Doug Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Gerson and William Kristol, a group convinced of their rightness who refuse to this day to admit that the decision to launch this disastrous war was anything but correct. Their astounding arrogance and hubris knows absolutely no bounds, and their academic enablers, the Kagan family, continue to defend them and their work in the pages of the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. Like the five lawyers who squandered our good name and forever sullied the principles upon which our international reputation was built, these men should be considered War Criminals. They should be shunned by men of good will, left alone to be tortured by the screams of the Iraqi children who they are directly responsible for butchering. Instead, they sit comfortably in leather chairs on Fox News, smugly asserting their omniscience. Until we decide that they should be shunned and ignored, they will remain supremely confident in their rightness, and urge us on to greater folly in Iran.
To assume that these ghouls would have the conscience to admit their own errors is the highest folly indeed.
Our watch-dog press died. Other than MSNBC Keith Olberman and Democracy Now and the INN report on FSTV on satellite..we have not enough information to get a real world view. These men know this too and I am sure view the average American like a of the masses. The ultra rich in my area call the rest of us "villagers"..well we need to get our pitchforks out and a few torches to give the neocons some accountability. Dems and Repub own so much war stock I am sure it is effecting their getting out votes..follow the money as always..Good Post..Marie