Friday, June 20, 2008

John Boton's Idea of Intelligent Discourse

Of all the knuckle-draggers, vacuous ideologues, and downright evil characters who have soiled our nation's discourse and fouled the government of this country over the past eight years, perhaps none rises to the level of vileness as John Bolton, Bush's recess appointment to the United Nations, and the former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control. His resume is typical of the closeted pantywaists that inhabit the Federalist Society and the American Enterprise Institute. He was intimately involved in the lies regarding Niger's production of yellowcake uranium, and throughout his disgraceful career, spun intelligence to fit his agenda, and hid intelligence from Condi Rice and Colin Powell when the facts proved inconvenient.

He reputation as blunt and unforgiving is, as any schoolyard bully shows, probably best explained by his own insecurities and lack of intelligence. In a disgraceful interview with the almost subhuman John Gibson on Fox yesterday, Bolton solidifies his bona fides as a complete cretin by barfing out the following:

GIBSON: The Obama team is going back to some of the old complaints about the war and the war on terror…that the left has been articulating for a long time now, and not really coming up with anything new.

BOLTON: Yeah I think honestly that’s an optimistic view of it, that it will simply be a replay of the Clinton administration. It will simply have more embassy bombings, more bombings of our warships like the Cole, more World Trade Center attacks. That would be the best outcome from that perspective.


Leave aside the fact that 9/11 occurred on Bush's watch. This man, who furiously pleasures himself to the notion of bombing 75 million Iranians into oblivion, who looks at the horror of the needless destruction throughout the cradle of civilization and smiles, and who wears his bloodthirsty lust as a badge of honor was deemed by the Idiot Dauphin an appropriate appointment as Ambassador to the United Nations. Cheney and Bush's utter contempt for this country was never manifested so clearly as in his appointment.

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