TBogg has a great rundown of the wingnut's response to the McCain house kerfluffle here. My personal favorite is this one...
My third reaction was, hey, how many houses do I own? The answer, it turns out, is pretty complicated, what with property held in trust for my benefit and controlling interests in investments and such. It is either two -- the house in Princeton that we live in and the house we are trying to sell -- or some larger number up to six, including three houses in the Adirondacks held in a trust among all the descendants of my grandparents and a dual residential/commercial property that we rent.
So, if you put that question to me and I were unprepared for it, I'd probably have to get back to you too. And if I really did not want to be wrong and had a staff with an official position, I would refer you to it. Neither diminishes one iota my love of eating at Applebee's, the joy I feel walking a boardwalk "down the shore," or my identification, such as it is, with the average Joe.
HEH: A reader emails, "I just want to know if Obama has 'experimented' with more illegal substances than McCain owns houses... Then we'll decide."
Careful....getting into dangerous territory when we start making innuendos about illicit drug use....

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