There is one thing, though, that you can pin on this administration, and in many ways, it is worse than the meltdown in the markets, the writedowns at Merrill and Citi, and the bursting of the housing bubble. And that is because the government has a role as a safety net for those that need help, those in our society that are falling behind, and those that are in the greatest need. And these guys passed the Bankruptcy Bill in 2005 and they ripped that net to pieces. Don't for a minute think that they did it for any other reason than ideological spite, in order to align the bankruptcy laws with their bizarre woldview that tells them that the safety net is nothing more than a government handout, and that self made men like George W. Bush don't require handouts and neither should you.
Kevin Drum wrote a piece on the Bankruptcy Bill back in 05 that reminds us of it's nefarious nature today.
Bottom line: you don't need to understand all the intricacies of bankruptcy law to know what to think of this bill. Through their actions, its sponsors have made it abundantly plain that abuse of the system isn't their real aim: protection of major campaign contributors is. The poor get shafted, the very real crisis of medical bankruptcy is ignored, the rich are allowed loopholes that let them off the hook, and credit card companies can continue on their merry way knowing they won't have to pay the price for their own folly.
Welcome to America.
Look, you can't blame the systematic destruction of the financial system on Bush, but you can sure see his spiteful hand in the awful Bankruptcy Bill. That alone should haunt him through his days.
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