The interesting thing to note is that Reid has over and over again provided coverage for other senators holds, which essentially kill whatever bill is being debated. The question is: why? Is there some deal? Can it really be the case that Reid and Pelosi fear that the Dems will be considered soft on terrorism if they deign to challenge the anti-consitutional excesses of this discredited and famously unpopular administration?
As Greenwald says:
Isn't it just amazing? Reid is using every power he has, including some which run directly contrary to how the Senate has traditionally operated (and how it still operates when it comes to GOP prerogatives), to ensure that one of the most glaring scandals involving Bush lawbreaking -- warrantless surveillance on U.S. citizens -- is never investigated and there is never any accountability for it. And the methods he is using to accomplish that are as corrupt as the results themselves.
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