We should not be surprised if Cheney gets his way and Laurence Silberman gets nominated. The resurrection of a partisan hack from the Nixon white house would fit perfectly for the remaining months of this catastrophic presidency.
UPDATE: From TPM, David Kurtz describes the inevitability of Bush's petulant reaction to the Gonzo resignation:
There is a persistent meme in press coverage that Bush--like Reagan--remains a figure aloof and removed not just from the partisan fray but from the words and deeds of his appointees and underlings. He stands apart, or so goes the thinking, undoubtedly encouraged by spin from the White House and Bushies.
Nearly seven years into his Presidency, don't we have a pretty good idea of the character and abilities of this man? There is a long track record now of truly unparalleled incompetence, corruption, and politicization. What more do we need to know? Bush's legacy is firmly entrenched, and barring any seismic historical events between now and January 2009, any changes to that sorry legacy will be at the margins.
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