Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Where many saw yesterday as a wonderful affirmation of the audacity of hope and reveled in the soaring rhetoric and the grandeur of our functioning republic, I had a hard time getting by the day as the most powerful condemnation of the colossal failure of the Idiot Prince, a resounding repudiation of the epic disaster that he represents. Obama's words, his powerful renouncement of torture, fearmongering, unilateralism, xenophobia, unbridled executive power, obstinance and boastfulness and his embrace of the democratic and constitutional ideals that have been fouled by the outgoing administration was as brazen and shocking a takedown of a sitting historical figure as you may ever see. It was all well deserved, and not a word of it was exaggerated, but I found it startling none the less.

Meanwhile, as Bush slunk off to his faux ranch in his faux home state of Texas, the former Andover and Yale cheerleader surrounded himself with an ever smaller and ever more pathetic circle of sycophants who whine that if only we had his moral compass, we'd see the triumph of the Bush legacy.

A hearty fuck you, W.

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