Tuesday, November 04, 2008

John McCain Will Win


Worst campaign ever.

A generation of voters will never consider the Republican Party because these idiots listened to Karl Rove and Bill Kristol and stirred up this ridiculous culture war. They fell back on their old canards because they couldn't find anything better or more relevant to talk about. They will be rightly drubbed, and the collateral damage will be great.

Good riddance to the lot of them.

UPDATE: An enlightened commenter at Townhall.com gives his opinion on unfounded reports of a Republican election official being removed from a polling station in Philadelphia:

Bring it on
Start the rioting. I know my neighbors and we are ready for battle. We have seen this before. Every time blacks don't get their way, they riot, killing innocent people and burning down businesses. It's never that I lost this time, and I will try even harder next time to succeed. It's the evil white man. The bright side is they always burn down their own neighborhoods, knowing full well that a 12-gage is waiting for them elsewhere.

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