Thursday, October 23, 2008

Deep Thoughts on the Economy

You knew this was coming, that it wouldn't be long before the right pointed out that the broad destruction of wealth caused by the global economic meltdown happened at a very interesting moment...

Why the crescendo of economic collapse right before the election? Why didn't the media and congress act just as concerned some time ago or wait until sometime after the election to go into crisis mode? The timing of the current financial crisis seems too planned and calculating to be just a coincidence. Polls show that people's number one concern right now is the economy and that for the most part, voters believe Democrats are somewhat more likely to help with the economy. Could it be that the liberal media and those in Congress, knowing that, is blaring the bad economic news from the rooftops in order to manipulate voters into voting for a Democrat? If so, it won't be the first time.

AHA! It's a conspiracy of the lefties.

And we'll know the real story just as soon as the election is over and B Hussein Obama is safely ensconced on Pennsylvania avenue, I suppose?

My guess is that if Obama gets elected, the true facts of the economy will come out. Suddenly, our economic outlook will look much brighter after November 5th. In the coming months and years after the election, we will be told how Obama has managed this crisis and overcome it


On another note, a proposal that I helped Bill Hambrecht put together was highlighted at Joe Nocera's blog yesterday. We've actually put together four white papers on the recent financial meltdown, they can be accessed here.

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