Thursday, August 07, 2008

Doug Feith Just Won't Go Away

The utterly loathsome Doug Feith, famously referred to as "the stupidest fucking guy on the face of the planet" by Tommy Franks, may have been Dick Cheney's go-to guy when he came up with the brilliant idea of forging a letter linking Saddam to 9/11:

The American Conservative’s Philip Giraldi argues today that “an extremely reliable and well placed source in the intelligence community” told him Suskind’s overall claim “is correct,” but that it was Douglas Feith’s Office of Special Plans — not the CIA — that forged the letter:

feith.jpgMy source also notes that Dick Cheney, who was behind the forgery, hated and mistrusted the Agency and would not have used it for such a sensitive assignment. Instead, he went to Doug Feith’s Office of Special Plans and asked them to do the job. … It was Feith’s office that produced the letter and then surfaced it to the media in Iraq.

If five thousand kids weren't dead, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, this administration's shenanigans would almost be laughable. Unfortunately, the damage that these people visited on our country will never be a joke.

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