Thursday, July 31, 2008

Joe Lieberman Makes My Head Hurt

Joe Lieberman, today:

LIEBERMAN: That’s why Senator Graham and I are introducing a resolution recognizing the strategic success that the surge has achieved in a central front — the central front of the war on terror against the enemies who attacked America on 9/11/01, and expressing our thanks to our troops who’ve made that success possible.

This is McCain's "go to guy" on Iraq. God help us.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Ben Stein, former Nixon speech writer, and all around putz, vomits this out on the Glen Beck horror show:

What is the matter with these people? Because Obama has energized the electorate (as well as enthusiastic Europeans) he is a Nazi? A Mussolini or a Hitler? Is he trying to be funny? Honestly, I'm at a loss to explain exactly what his point may be.

Splints Win! Splints Win!

Defying the very laws of nature, the Splendid Splinters, the world's most self destructive beer league softball team, won their eighth Villanova Summer Softball league championship last weekend, braving 100 degree temperatures and oceans of Budweiser and undercooked bratwurst on their way to the trophy. Improbable is the best way to describe the triumph of this motley group of now middle aged clowns.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Little Tuesday Snark.....

I was listening to Rush (I know) on that way back to the office this afternoon and the dittoheads are having a heck of a time getting their heads around the controversial New Yorker cover that is the talk of the town today.

The callers, one after another, kept insisting that the cover was the MSM's warning to Obama that if he continues to move towards the center, they will use all of their liberal superpowers to destroy his campaign with inflammatory attacks like the one shown here. Rush, in vain, attempted to explain that the cover was meant as satire, and that in fact the target of the satire was the right wing itself, and even the callers themselves. This notion, not surprisingly, was met with mouth-breathing and confusion from the adoring callers.

The dittoheads like their messages a little more straightforward, it seems. This billboard in Florida succinctly captures the worldview the way they like and white, if you will:

Now that's some straight talk, my friends. The group that paid for this billboard also has a Youtube hit single, you'll be happy to know, and I'm happy to highlight this little ditty here:

Not exactly Masters of War, I understand....

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


John McCain, yesterday:

ABC News’s Bret Hovell reports: Sen. John McCain responded late Tuesday to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s call for a drawdown in foreign troops from Iraq as a prerequisite for a security agreement with the United States.

McCain said he was not concerned about the call for a "timetable" for withdrawal, a concept McCain has consistently criticized.

"I know for a fact that [troop pullout] will be dictated by the situation on the ground, as it always has been," McCain said Tuesday evening at a stop for dinner in Pittsburgh, Pa.

"Since we are succeeding, then I am convinced, as I have said before, we can withdraw and withdraw with honor, not according to a set timetable," he said. "And I’m confident that is what Prime Minister Maliki is talking about, since he has told me that for many meetings we’ve had."

John McCain, 2004:

"Well, if that scenario evolves than I think it's obvious that we would have to leave because -- if it was an elected government of Iraq, and we've been asked to leave other places in the world. If it were an extremist government then I think we would have other challenges, but I don't see how we could stay when our whole emphasis and policy has been based on turning the Iraqi government over to the Iraqi people."

Monday, July 07, 2008

Lies and the lying liars....

This post by Glen Greenwald really illustrates the very best of the blogosphere and neatly shows the revolution in news coverage that the rise of bloggers has wrought. The chronology is really telling. Mara Liason goes on Fox News Sunday and makes several statements about Obama's plan to leave Iraq, and emphatically juxtaposes the Obama position with what the "American People" feel about leaving Iraq.

HUME: But is [Obama] on the verge of changing on his long-stated promise that says, "The mission is to get out and I'll have them all out, all the forces out, in 16 months?"
LIASSON: I think the 16 months -- he is trying to get himself out of that box. Look, Samantha Power got in a lot of trouble . . . where she said, "Well, of course he's not going to just stick to some campaign promise of 16 months. He's going to look at the facts on the ground."
Well, that's what the American people want a commander in chief to do. That might not be what his left-wing base does. The question for Obama now is what kind of Iraq does he want to leave behind.

In the old days of a few years ago, that's where punditocracy ended. Mara Liasson is an expert, well informed, and her statement would have stood as fact. Brit Hume, frow burrowed, would nod approvingly at this wisdom, comfortable in the fact that the radical left-wing base of the Democratic Party was being counterbalanced by the power of the national media.

Except that it is all bullshit.

As Greenwald points out, in near real time, Obama's position clearly reflects the desires of the majority of the American people, and Liasson's assertion is pure, unadulterated crap.

How much clearer could that be? The truth is exactly the opposite of what Liasson said. Americans want to withdraw from Iraq in accordance with Obama's timetable (if not faster) regardless of circumstances "on the ground" -- not conditioned on those circumstances. But because that's not the view Liasson and her establishment colleagues embrace, they just lie and claim that the majority view is the one held only by the "left-wing" fringe, while their own actually fringe view is the one embraced by "the American people" and thus defines the "Center."

As Greenwald concludes:

The fact that Mara Liasson feels perfectly comfortable going on television and baldly uttering a clear-cut falsehood -- that only "the left-wing base" favors unconditional withdrawal while "the American people" only want to leave Iraq when "facts on the ground" allow it -- demonstrates how pervasive this deceit is. She likely isn't even aware that what she's saying is false. The establishment class is so self-absorbed, so inculcated with faith in their own wisdom, that they automatically think that whatever they and their comrades believe is, by definition, what "the American people" believe, even when all empirical data proves that the opposite is true.

And therein lies the sea change. Print media dies each and every day. Even bold commentators who speak truth to power like McClatchy struggle in this digital age. The mainstream network press will follow right behind. Information and analysis is ubiquitous and immediate. Leave aside the ridiculous profile of Rush Limbaugh that appeared in the Sunday Times Magazine this weekend, as he is as much "mainstream media" as Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather. Lord knows, reading between the lines of that article, he sat up nights crying himself senseless because Brokaw and Rather considered him a low class drug addled fatty, and wouldn't let him cocktail with them at the Waldorf. The truth and the future lies with the bloggers, like Greenwald, who in a few short keystrokes dispel the myths and outright lies of the lazy mainstream press.

Things will never be the same.

Friday, July 04, 2008

media matters for america...

Everything that you need to know about the Wes Clark brou ha ha is right here.

It is an absolutely shameful performance by the DC "villagers", and one that has already entered the discourse in this country. If you take five minutes to read Jamison Foser's recap of this, you'll understand what is wrong with our media today. I suppose the good news is that more and more people will get their news and analysis from people like Foser than people like Andrea Mitchell, but in the meantime, we're stuck with the Village Idiots. Foser concludes:

Let's pause for a moment to review. According to the news media, if you call John McCain a "hero," but say that heroism doesn't qualify him to be president, you have dishonorably attacked his military service. (Feel free, however, to say the same thing about John Kerry.) And if you criticize McCain's Iraq policies, you are participating in "an organized campaign against John McCain's military service."

But wait! There's more!

The media's knee-jerk defense of McCain doesn't stop at their use of his military service to rule criticism of his Iraq policies out of bounds. It extends to (things having nothing to do with) his age, too. See, if you criticize John McCain for ignoring his own pledge to avoid negative campaigning, the media will quickly announce that you're really attacking his age. That was ridiculous, of course, but McCain aide Mark Salter told them to say it, so they did.

You get the picture: the media is on the verge of declaring any criticism of John McCain off-limits -- even when it isn't really criticism. Even when you call him a "hero," but not quite enthusiastically enough.

One of the hallmarks of the Karl Rove era of GOP politics is that the Republicans aren't particularly subtle about their tactics. They tend to clearly telegraph what they intend to do, though often with the slight wrinkle of accusing the opposition of doing what they plan to do themselves.

That is certainly true of the McCain campaign. In the very memo in which Salter convinced the media to pretend that Obama's criticism of McCain's negative campaigning was an attack on the Arizona senator's age, Salter wrote: "Senator Obama is hopeful that the media will continue to form a protective barrier around him, declaring serious limits to the questions, discussion and debate in this race."

Yes, that's John McCain's senior adviser complaining that the media has formed a "protective barrier" around Barack Obama.