Thursday, May 01, 2008

Rover Gets Confused....

Jon Chait at the New Republic makes a good catch in parsing the silly editorial that Karl Rove wrote for the WSJ yesterday. Aside from the fact that Rove was nowhere identified as working directly for the McCain campaign (which he is), the editorial included this passage:

Another McCain story, somewhat better known, is about the Vietnamese practice of torturing him by tying his head between his ankles with his arms behind him, and then leaving him for hours. The torture so badly busted up his shoulders that to this day Mr. McCain can't raise his arms over his head.

Now to be fair, because Rove himself did not vote for the Military Commissions Act, he's technically not being hypocritical in defining the use of stress positions on John McCain as "torture". But....McCain voted for the Act, which gives our military the right to use just these tactics, and says that this is not torture. He'd better watch that on the campaign trail.

The sad truth is that these guys have wrapped themselves in circles that they can't get out of in terms of the rules that they've written defending their illegal, barbarous and un-American behavior. The only logic that they follow is that they've decided that they can do whatever the fuck they'd like to, and that anyone who disagrees with them is a terrorist-loving treasonous liberal. No Constitution, no Geneva Conventions, and certainly no legacy of American high minded ideals could persuade them to consider that what they claimed as theirs was not. The only thing that could ever stop them was the clock running out.

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