Sy Hersh thoroughly discredited the notion that Syria was building a reactor along the Euphrates River back in February. What's stunning to me is that the press fails to cite Hersh's article when they run down the administration's latest revelation that North Korea and Syria were working towards a plutonium enrichment plant. I would think that as a data point, it would make sense to include his well sourced and damning counterargument as part of the reporting, but I suppose he's just a dirty hippie after all.
I watched the thoroughly loathsome Dick Morris on Hannity and Colmes last night (don't ask), and from what I can gather, Obama's statements denouncing Reverend Jeremiah Wright's most inflammatory remarks don't come anywhere near the level of repudiation that Morris would like to see. Apparently, Obama has to hunt down Wright, gut him like a bass and ground his innards into pudding or something in order to deal with this scandal as effectively as John Kerry did with the Swiftboaters. I'm telling you, the general election is going to be extremely uplifting.
The Democrats long-running primary campaign is clearly a disaster for the party, and points towards a McCain landslide in the fall, because all the blacks and women will hate each other if their candidate doesn't win, and will therefore vote for an arguably senile 72 year old arch conservative who has turned his back on what principled stances he has had, including those on campaign finance reform, torture, our disastrous war in Iraq, the Bush tax plan and the deficit, and lobbyist reforms. Oh, and they'll blithely look past the fact that he can't quite get his head around the differences between the Shia in Persia and the Sunni in Arabia. More importantly, those one million newly registered Democrats in Pennsylvania, who have now been galvanized by the choice between Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama? My guess is that they're all closet Bush fans....
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