Thursday, February 21, 2008

Straight Talk Express....

You'll definitely want to cobble together a buck fifty for today's WSJ, just to get the double whammy on the editorial pages, Karl Rove on "Obama's New Vulnerability", and Judith Miller on "Journalism on Trial". Is there any other discredited Bushie that Rupert Murdoch can jam into that fish wrap? Maybe John Bolton on "The Democrats Lack of Diplomacy"? Abu Gonzales on "Hillary and the Separation of Powers"?

Rove's piece trots out this well crafted paragraph:

Mr. McCain, too, raised questions about Mr. Obama's fitness to be commander in chief. Mr. McCain pointed to Mr. Obama's unnecessary saber-rattling at an ally (Pakistan) while appeasing our adversaries (Iran and Syria). Mr. McCain also made it clear that reining in spending, which is a McCain strength and an Obama weakness, would be a key issue.

Karl obviously missed the memo on the runaway spending and record deficits that McCain, Bush and the Republican Party have foisted upon the country over the past eight years, but leave that aside. The absurd idea that Obama's quite rational statement regarding taking out targets within Pakistan if the Musharraf government refused to act against them was somehow naive, or "unnecessary sabre rattling", is best refuted by McCain and Rove's best buddy, Little Lord Fauntleroy himself

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