Tuesday, December 11, 2007

MEK and the Neoconservatives

Let's see how quickly the mouth breathing right, including Podhoretz, Perle, Feith, Cheney and the rest of the neocons embrace the "Iranian opposition group's" assertion that Iran restarted their nuclear weapon program in 2004.

The group is that National Council for Resistance in Iran, and you can read about their history here. An Islamic socialist organization, they are more commonly known as MEK, and we designated them a terrorist organization as far back as 1997. They certainly don't sound like just the sort of group conservatives would naturally align themselves with. However....

In May 2005, Human Rights Watch claimed the PMOI were running prison camps within Iraq and were committing severe human rights violations.[50] The report described the PMOI as a cult held under the tight control of Maryam Rajavi. The report prompted a response by the PMOI and friendly MEPs (European MPs), who published a counter-report in September 2005.[51] They noted that HRW had "relied only on 12 hours interviews with 12 suspicious individuals", and stated that "a delegation of MEPs visited Camp Ashraf in Iraq" and "conducted impromptu inspections of the sites of alleged abuses." Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca (PP), one of the Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament, alleged that Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) was the source of the evidence against the PMOI.[51]

Prompted by the FOFI document, Human Rights Watch re-interviewed all 12 of the original witnesses, conducting private and personal interviews lasting several hours with each of them in Germany and the Netherlands, where the witnesses now live. All of the witnesses restated their claims about the PMOI camps from the 1991-2003 period, saying PMOI officials subjected them to various forms of physical and psychological abuses once they made known their wishes to leave the organization.[52]

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