Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So easy to make fun.

James Wolcott linked to this screech of anguish from a blog called "view from the right". . It gives you a good sense of what keeps these folks up at night:

How our culture portrays relations between the sexes

Late last night I turned on the tv (which I do for five minutes once every month or so--literally), and this is what I saw. I saw 60 seconds of some show, in which a young man in a hospital room is embarrassedly complaining that he doesn't want to shave a male patient's "curly," his pubic hair (one imagines in preparation for surgery), and a very young, very pretty blond woman standing on the other side of the patient's bed tells the young man in a bossy, down-putting, drill-sergeant tone that he'd better do it or he will get a bad report from her, and that he should count his lucky stars that she's only telling him to shave the man's groin. He is abashed by this lecture, and in a defeated manner accepts the razor from her as she walks out of the room.

Some readers will feel that my proposal to limit the franchise is extreme, pointless, and a distraction from more pressing issues. But the tv scene I've just recounted demonstrates the ultimate end of a thoroughgoing sexual equality--not equality between the sexes, but a perverted female supremacism over the male.

For some reason, I'm not quite as threatened when I watch reruns of Scrubs.

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