Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This is going well, isn't it?

According to Indian news reports, the Turkish government pressed their actions into Northern Iraq this morning:

Cobra attack helicopters blasted suspected Kurdish rebel targets on Tuesday near the southeastern border with Iraq in a second day of fighting in the Mount Cudi area, which has reportedly claimed the lives of three Turkish soldiers and six guerrillas.

As the military pressure continued, the government called a Cabinet meeting for Wednesday to discuss a National Security Council recommendation on possible economic measures against groups supporting the Kurdish rebels, private CNN-Turk and NTV television reported.

Meanwhile, the leader of the northern Iraq regional Kurdish government had this to say:

Barzani implied in his words this weekend that Ankara might have other reasons behind its stance on the PKK, noting that PKK terror was not a new factor for Turkey. He said "I am about ready to believe that the PKK is just an excuse. Turkey's stance towards the Kurdish region, and its direct and indirect threats towards the region, make me think this. The real target is the Kurdistan region, otherwise why would we even want to get involved in a struggle between Turkey and the PKK?"

Glad we elected a Preznit who doesn't do nuance.

Seriously, there were lots of folks who warned that a preemptive strike against Baghdad was fraught with risk, due to the inherently complicated and unstable nature of Iraq and Western Asia generally. Regional and tribal hatreds, barely understood outside of a small group of Western analysts were a wild card that brought the risk of a larger regional conflagration into the equation. We now are reaping what we sowed, of course, and we hope against hope that the kids that have been placed in harm's way can survive until this group of adolescents leave the White House. The risk that we face, however, is that they won't leave without broadening the war into Iran, a country of which we know even less, and one with which we have not had consular relations or diplomatic dialogue with in three decades.

I have an eleven year old son, and my fear is that the George W Bush is writing a ticket that my son will have to pay for.

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