Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The State of The Right's Discourse

From the comments at Think Progress, during a discussion of Rush Limbaugh's statement that soldiers that spoke out against the mission in Iraq after returning are "phony soldiers":

How many of you left-wing liberal morons have heard what Rush actually said? Have you heard of Jesse MacBeth? Ms- I’m not a lesbian Cackle Fruit- Clinton is having her way with the media. The media has lost so much credibility! ABC in particular is the mouthpeice of the anti-Bush, anti U.S. Democrats! Hillary, aka Joseph Goebbels are like the pitbulls of Michael Vick and the Nazis of WWII rolled into one.. Isn’t ironic that the real voices of descent-Rush and Bill O’Reilly are being attacked in “the Media”. Well, Ms- I’m not a lesbian Cackle Fruit- Clinton couldn’t destroy the country if anyone disagreed. The liberal Democrat party should be renamed The National Socialist Party-Nazi. Remember Hitler promised the Germans everything and gave them hell on earth!! Do we want the same?

Comment by mikey309 — October 1, 2007 @ 9:01 pm

Joe Dirt.

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