Thursday, October 18, 2007

Here's a thought...

By the way, if these lunatics are hell bent on declaring war on Iran, they better abide by the Regan rule, namely, no more happy adventures in Western Asia unless they re-institute the draft. If Rudy, Deadeye Dick and Little Lord Fauntleroy don't have the guts to face the American people and explain why it is completely necessary to draft my son and thousands of others in order to bomb the cradle of civilization into oblivion, then they don't get to do it. If the threat of Islamofascism, or whatever the hell Sean Hannity calls it these days isn't scary and threatening enough to get these guys out in front of the people to convince us that we ought to send our best and brightest into the breach, then they're just going to have to wait.

And by the way, we lived through an era when there were 10,000 nuclear warheads pointed at our major cities and a senile president in the white house, snacking on porridge while a bunch of zealous and criminal lunatics like John Negroponte, Elliot Abrams and Ollie North cut secret deals with dictators and death squads all over the world in a high stakes game of poker. For some reason, I find that a little more threatening than World War IV, which apparently is already underway. Unfortunately, in his train wreck of a presser yesterday, Bushie made it clear that he's not up to speed on the neocon war counting game, because he's still trying to scare the shit out of us by warning us of World War III. Olberman took that all apart here

These guys really ought to get their stories straight.

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