Friday, September 07, 2007

Reading from the wrong playbook..

Apparently, the Maliki government didn't get the memo. Commenting on the military report that found that the Iraqi forces are nowhere near ready to assume any role in Iraq, and that the police force is so badly compromised by insurgents that it should be disbanded, a government spokesmen reacted thusly:

"This is an Iraqi affair and we will not accept interference by anyone in such work, whether the Congress or others," Majid told The Associated Press by telephone. "The report is inaccurate and not official and we consider it interference in our internal affairs."

Woops. Somebody forgot to mention that W has a different opinion. Bush on Maliki:

"He's learning to be a leader," Bush said a few weeks later. "And one of my jobs as the president and his ally is to help him be that leader without being patronizing. At some point in time, if I come to the conclusion that he can't be the leader—he's unwilling to lead or he's deceptive—then we'll change course.

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