Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Airman's Shooting in New Jersey

I'm not quite sure what the functional equivalent of this is on the left. I hesitate from generalizing on the insanity of the mouth breathing right, because I'm sure that the left has examples of extremist blogging that compare unfavorably to this sort of thinking.

Michelle Malkin and Little Green Footballs jumped all over this story from the moment it was reported, and I have to say that I suspected immediately that this was being used to validate their blind hatred of all things brown and Muslim. The truth, of course, had nothing to do with their spin, as the authorities now report:

Yesterday, Smith, the spokesman for the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office, described Marren's final words as "rambling. There was no mention of the military, the war in Iraq or the victim being a soldier.

" . . . This has taken on a life of its own."

LGF and Malkin had a bit to do with creating the "life of its own".

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