Digby has a depressing post up surrounding our national attention span and willingness to focus on the trivial rather than the tragic consequences of Bush administration's foreign policy. It is absolutely stunning to me that we as a nation feel that what is occurring in Iraq today does not warrant the attention that we feel we owe Nancy Grace's latest cause.
Atrios, though, I think adds a bit to this, in this post on Mitt Romney. He points out that while it may seem to you and I that Romney's astounding ignorance of the very current events that have led us to the current quagmire in Iraq is enough to ruin your entire weekend, perhaps something even more sinister is at hand. Maybe Romney's ignorance is a calculated attempt to tap into our culture and it's incredible propensity to ignore the larger world stage. Perhaps he is doing no more than repeating palpable falsehoods so that he can appeal to our basest nature. Certainly, that was the overriding theme of the debates this week. Giuliani, Romney and McCain, to say nothing of the lesser lights with which they shared the stage made Bush seem moderate. Their relentless fearmongering and promises to torture, surveil and deport anybody with a brown hue to their skin was a sickening display of the illogical conclusion of the current administration's legacy.
I'm tempted to say that is imperative that the Democrats rise above this sort of appeal, and stick with our better angels, but at the back of my mind, I have Nancy Grace and Glen Beck nagging about JonBenet....
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