Monday, May 21, 2007

Distilling it all

In one compact post, Digby refutes just about every argument that this administration can or would put forward to justify their foreign policy over the past 6 years. Money graf here:

Basing your decisions upon your stated enemy's threats and taunts and holding fast so they can't yell "psych!" is not a foreign policy --- it's a WWF advertising campaign. It isn't real and it doesn't address any real problem. The US is the most powerful country on earth and the Islamoboogeymen are not going to take over our government and make us all wear burkas and pray to mecca. Really. Sophisticated thinkers would find solutions to the real problems of islamic fundamentalism and energy dependence and Israel and all the rest rather than launch invasions as PR exercises, but this is what we are dealing with. Marketing is the only thing the Mayberry Machiavellis know.

Really. That's it. It is time for the grown ups to take back our foreign policy. Certainly Wolfowitz is a scalp that helps, but the tricky part is that the Cheney/Perle/Neocon cabal has been surrounded by the radical philosophy of executive power put forward by John Yoo and force fed on a compliant Congress by AG Gonzales. All of these scandals are related, they surround the throne like puzzle pieces, each important to the whole. That's why they had to have Monica Goodling, an inexperienced bible thumping fundy in charge of the AG purge. That's why they needed Doug Feith, the "stupidest f*cking man on the planet" in charge of a shadow intelligence operation. All of this works together, but we'll see whether the removal of one or a few parts brings the whole thing down. If Gonzo goes this week or next, and then Waxman begins hearings on pre war intel, you may see some significant momentum, but it will take a long time to get to the bottom of the muck. Unfortunately, it will take a longer time for this country to recover our reputation.

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