Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Credibility Gap

It really would be interesting to have some perspective on the pervasiveness of the anti-war movement during Vietnam (particularly around 1970). I've read about the movement, but have not seen polls on just how widespread the movement was. I find it hard to believe that their could have been a time during the Cold War when roughly 70% of the people in the country felt thata hot war in Southeast Asia was unwinnable, the underlying justification for the war was completely discredited, and that the President was too inept to do anything about it. Maybe after Watergate, but that's different.

Harry Reid's response to Dick Cheney's snarling rebuke on his statement about the war being "lost" is illustrative of just how far this group has jumped the shark.

This is the same guy who said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and that we would be greeted as liberators. And it's the same guy who continues to assert that Saddam Hussein had links to al Qaeda long after our own intelligence agency conclusively refuted this notion. To suggest he lacks credibility would be an understatement.

Just wow.

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