Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Rudy Ascendant

Once again, Digby argues that the Giuliani candidacy is not doomed by his sordid personal life, and that the lizard brained right will respond positively to his thinly veiled signals indicating his fealty to their hot-button causes. I remain unconvinced. I think that as the campaign develops, (and we've got to remember just how early it is), the "thousand cuts" scenario is more likely. Rudy's personal life, his inherent meanness, and the disgraceful conduct that has already alienated his children from his campaign will snowball, making him completely unpalatable to the conservative right. Rudy wears thin. He wore thin on New Yorkers until the myth of 9/11 saved his bacon. But in New York, today, even that hagiography has worn thin. The more people get to know Rudy, the less that they like him. I think digby overestimates how much of Rudy's story has entered the collective consciousness of the mouth-breathing Christian fundies. My guess is that as more and more of the story seeps out, we'll see Rudy's candidacy fall apart.

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