Thursday, March 01, 2007

Doug Feith dot Com?

This is so strange. Doug Feith, who actually has Philly roots, has launched a website, which seems to exist only to attempt to prove that his well deserved reputation as "fucking stupidest guy on the face of the earth" is somehow inaccurate.

The site simply states that Feith and the rest of his PNAC buddies were not responsible for lying us into the Iraq mess, because the recent IGs report on pre-war intelligence does not specifically say so. Never mind that this bumbling idiot swallowed every lie Ahmad Chalabi handed him, and back channeled a known liar Manucher Ghorbanifar against the specific direction of the State Department, all in an attempt to gin up a war against Iraq that he had demanded Bill Clinton undertake years earlier.

This man is a faculty member at Georgetown, where he teaches a course on the Bush Administration's response to terrorism. Pretty weird to have this thing hanging out on the internet...

Take a look at the News Coverage page, it references a bunch of articles by folks at the National Review, the New York Sun, and the Journal editorial pages pathetically apologizing for Feith's incredible record of ineptitude.

UPDATE: Over at The News Blog, there is an amplification of Feith and why some accountability is in order.

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