Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Jonah Goldberg=Ignatius J. Reilly

Jonah Goldberg, the corpulent windbag at the National Review's Corner is being pilloried for a bet he attempted to make 2 years ago with Juan Cole. He proposed this wager 2 years ago today:

"Let's make a bet. I predict that Iraq won't have a civil war, that it will have a viable constitution, and that a majority of Iraqis and Americans will, in two years time, agree that the war was worth it. I'll bet $1,000 (which I can hardly spare right now)."

Cole refused the bet, and Goldberg today has a post up in which he attempts to respond to various bloggers who are calling him out on his idiocy. His response is to prove to his detractors that the bet was not accepted by Cole, and goes so far as to quote Cole's scathing response to his proposal:
Update: Oh and since so many of these enraged emailers seem to believe whatever lefty bloggers tell them, for the record this was Juan Cole's response to my offer of a wager:

"I cannot tell you how this paragraph hit me in the gut. I was nearly immobilized by disgust and grief. This man really does see Iraqis as playthings. He is proposing a wager on the backs of Iraqis. Millions of Iraqis are going through winter with insufficient heating oil. They are jobless. The innocent 250,000 Fallujans are homeless. Imagine what $1000 means to them. And here we have an prominent American media star, a man who sets opinion on the Sunday afternoon talking heads shows, betting on them as though they are greyhounds in a race. They are not human beings to him, but political playthings on which to be wagered. "

That sounds like a rejection to me.

Understand that Goldberg is using this to make himself look exonerated by the affair.

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