A few bloggers have noted that the absurd contortions that Rudy, McCain and now Mitt are going thorough in order to prove that they are of a like mind with the fundies and the troglodytes that would like to drag our society back into the dark ages. What will be interesting to watch is how the "keepers of the conservative" flame, like Pat Buchanan and Buckley and Will react to these candidates.
It certainly calls into question the tired accusation that liberals will flip and flop and adopt any position in order to get elected, and conservatives are the only party that "sticks to their principles". Perhaps more subtly, it will prove once and for all that dog whistles aside, the elected leaders of the Republican party are only paying lip service to the fundies, and that they have no intention of following through on most of their coded promises. Bush had all three branches of government for 6 years, after all, and Roe is the law of the land, and our Constitution remains unstained by a discriminatory amendment against gay marriage.
Buckley was on Chris Matthews last night, and basically called Romney a scheming opportunist. What does that make Rudy, who was married to his second cousin for 12 years?
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