Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Sad Truth

Bob Somerby at the Daily Howler nails the sick way in which our punditry is incapable of treating Hillary as anything but a militant harpie, here.

The sad truth is that even though Somerby and Glenn Greenwald (here)make all of the right points, the fact is that this meme resonates in a way that cannot be underestimated. We can label Matthews and MoDo and the even more blatantly offensive "wingnuts" as such, but the size of their megaphone and the simplistic appeal of their arguments weaves their narrative more effectively into the national discourse than the more reasoned responses of a hundred bloggers. Unfortunately, "liberal=unpatriotic, probably treasonous", "conservative=strong on defense from the islamonazis" is a more powerful message than the logic of the blogs.

In the end, it will be the humiliation and the cost of Iraq that will sink the Boy King.

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